
Tuesday 11th July, 2023 I’m no scientist but I find the concept that our bodies are made up of stardust really fascinating. From what little I understand, the matter that makes up our universe, including us, was all formed billions and billions of years ago by distant stars going supernova. Moreover, the matter within our …

Change the World

Monday 3rd July, 2023 I love the story of the Starfish, you might have heard it:Early one morning an old man was walking along a beach when he saw thousands of starfish lying on the sand, and a boy, picking them up, one by one and throwing them into the ocean.“What are you doing?” asked …

A Miracle

Friday 30th June, 2023 I’m pretty sure someone needs to hear this today, maybe it’s you, maybe it’s one of your friends. You are a miracle. Perhaps you’ve had a great day, perhaps you’ve had a crap day, maybe even a crap week, crap month, crap year. Maybe you feel like you haven’t achieved anything …

Return to Eden

Monday 5th June, 2023 “so God created humankind in his own image. In his image he created them. Male and female he created them” Genesis 1:27 So important is the message that we are made in God’s image that it’s repeated twice and then emphasised that it means all of us (male and female)God is …