Showing 105 Result(s)

Real Leadership: It’s Not For Girls?

Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges, he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s …

No, God did not turn his face from Jesus on the cross

Good Friday, 29th March, 2024 “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me!” and so, 2000 years later we sing about God forsaking Jesus, turning his face away and pouring out his wrath on him instead of us. What a limited understanding of God. How small we make him. Jesus was quoting Psalm 22, …

Jesus in Jeans: Joshua anointed with Perfume

Sunday 24th March “Hey Molly, are you going to Simon’s party next week?” asked Mae.“Simon from the Christian Union?” replied Molly “I don’t know, it’s mainly CU people there and I’ve not really hung out with those guys much after the way they treated you”“But you’re invited right?” pressed Mae “Can you get me in?”Molly …

Jesus is a Feminist

Originally published 8th March 2021 Jesus is a Feminist. It amazes me the controversy this statement creates. Of course Jesus is a feminist. A Feminist, in the words of Gloria Steinem “is anyone who recognises the equality and full humanity of women and men” Did Jesus view women and men as full equals? Of course …

A biblical sexual ethic

Sunday 3rd March, 2024 Jesus gave us a foolproof, timeless way to discern right from wrong. Instead of simply following a list of rules with no room for hard cases or shades of grey, that could never be completely fully comprehensive for all people at all times, Jesus taught us to be able to work …

Jesus in Jeans: Josh and Zack

28th February, 2024 Zack lived in a bachelor pad on the quayside, he didn’t venture onto the estate he grew up on very often. Well not in his free time anyway. His mum still lived in the same old house, but she was clearly embarrassed by how her son had turned out. He’d only wanted …

Who doesn’t love a wedding?

Wednesday 7th February 2024 “Becky’s boy Levi, is getting married!”, Miriam called from the kitchen. Joshua was in the dining room setting the table before his brothers arrived and the chaos of Friday Night dinner ensued. He set the cutlery down and wandered into the kitchen where his mother was busying herself preparing the vegetables. …


Monday 1st January, 2024 Happy New Year! No matter how much we try to avoid it, life is messy.Messy and… well….mingin’!Humanity isn’t clean and neat and tidy, we burp, and fart, and poop and bleed. In fact most of our bodily functions are sticky and gooey and often a bit stinky too. We’re gross! And …