Showing 15 Result(s)

The truth doesn’t hurt.

“Truth hurts” a phrase often used to justify unkind words and a lack of care around other people’s feelings. Those of us of a religious bent may even try to spiritualise this notion of “only being honest” as “speaking the truth in love” But let’s face it, as our home secretary has shown us recently, …

Lessons from Freedom

Weds 26th April, 2023 I didn’t mean to take so long away from writing blogs and updating social media over Easter, it just sort of happened. Life sort of happened, busyness happened and a chaotic camping trip in the mud and the rain happened. Life is chaotic sometimes, but it is good. It was during …

Rotten Fruit: Filthy Rags

Thursday 10th November 2022 I first met my boyfriend when I was a self-righteous, judgmental 19 year old, he went out with my housemate, not me. 20 years later we met again, and now, almost five years later we’re very happy together. I don’t believe our knowledge and understanding of God is limited to the …