Showing 108 Result(s)

Throwback Thursday: Free

22nd August, 2022 It’s not supposed to be difficult.Life, love, faith.None of it is supposed to be difficult.The songs tell us that “love hurts” , that it’s sometimes hard, that we must work at it.I disagree. In fact, it was the big lesson I learned in my first relationship after my abusive husband; that loving …

Throwback Thursday: Words

15th August 2022 Words of love.Words of wisdom of advice,Words of guidance, words that give life.PickedPluckedRemoved.StrippedSquashedDeformed.Twisted and mangled, torn and abusedFormed into bullets, made into pain.Against their willTheir beauty destroyedWords that give life falling from the mouths of those who seek deathInsults hurled, spirits crushed, hearts hardened.Death.

Return to Eden

Monday 5th June, 2023 “so God created humankind in his own image. In his image he created them. Male and female he created them” Genesis 1:27 So important is the message that we are made in God’s image that it’s repeated twice and then emphasised that it means all of us (male and female)God is …