Showing 28 Result(s)

Love believes all things

Monday 15th May, 2023 Really? Like that the earth is flat? Or that horoscopes are real? Or that my abuser really is sorry and really wants to change? God doesn’t want us to be naive, Proverbs 14:15 tells us “The simple believe everything, but the clever consider their steps” we’re also warned to exercise discernment, …

Love is God

Friday 12th May, 2023 My boyfriend is one of those blokes who squirms at anything sentimental, romantic or overly sickly sweet. Say the word “love” to him and he’ll mimic barfing and say “bleugh.” That’s because we’ve over sentimentalised “love.” worse we’ve turned it into something weak, something wussy, fluffy and ‘nice.’ we’ve stripped it …

Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing

Friday 28th April, 2023 Wrongdoing. In some versions this word is translated “evil” “iniquity” “injustice” “unrighteousness” and in a couple of translations it’s not written as rejoicing in one’s own evil but that of others; “does not gloat over other people’s sins” or “doesn’t revel when others grovel” or “rejoiceth not over the unrighteousness” Which …

Love is not Resentful

Friday 17th March, 2023 In some versions this is translated as “love keeps no record of having been wronged” In his excellent book “Why does he do that” Lundy Bancroft identifies a type of abuser who believes himself to be the perpetual victim. This is a man who keeps a record of every wrong done …

Love is not irritable

Friday 10th March, 2023 Is there anything worse than living with an irritable person?You know, when you spend your days walking on eggshells. Before you speak, before you move, before you even dare breathe you go through all his possible reactions in your head, should I say this? Is it worth it? How will I …