Showing 65 Result(s)


Tuesday 14th February 2023 When I first found myself single after 13 years of marriage I hated Valentine’s Day. It felt like salt in the wounds, whilst all those loved up folks filled their social media pages with sickening mush I was left contemplating loneliness, solitude and whether I was loveable. But, the fuss around …

Human Rights Day

10th December 2022 The last day of the 16 Days of Activism falls on Human Rights Day. Handy really because Women’s Rights are Human Rights.I want to issue that invitation to men again, to come alongside us and purposefully and intentionally work with us to end the epidemic of violence against women. I’m not going …

Words Matter

8th December 2022 There’s always some feminist in the news moaning about something isn’t there?Boy clothes having slogans like “little mischief maker” on whilst girls say “little princess” or some comedian making a sexist joke. It seems we’re not even allowed to like a good old fashioned Les Dawson Mother-in-law joke these days eh? But …

A Knight in Shining Armour.

7th December 2022“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 Imagine you’re fleeing war. You’ve lost your home, you’re injured and enemy soldiers are hot on your tail. You’re hungry, cold, homeless and your life is in danger. Then suddenly, you lift your eyes to the horizon and see …

Man, Woman, Human

5th December 2022 There’s actually two accounts of creation in Genesis. One account is in chapter 1 and it says“So God created humankind In his image, In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27) In chapter 2 we read the more familiar account where God says “it …