Showing 113 Result(s)

Throwback Tuesday: Power

24th March 2019 Power, it’s all about Power. In the beginning God gave us power. He gave us power over ‘the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, over livestock and all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ He gave us power so that we would …

Be Excellent to Each Other

15th April 2019 Isaiah 1:16-17 “Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widows cause.” It’s not rocket science is it. Even Bill Esquire Prescott and Ted Theodore Logan …

Choose Life this Christmas

25th December 2022 I read a quote by Rev Billy Graham just before Christmas that finished with the words “he came to die. This is the heart of Christmas” Dare I disagree with the late, great Rev Billy Graham? I think I’m going to have to. How can death be the heart of Christmas? How …

Oh Holy Night!

Saturday 24th December 2022 It was not a bible that was placed in a mangerOn a cold night in Bethlehem.It was not in order to share systematic theologyThat angels appeared in the sky to poor men.It was not orthodox doctrine that led the Magi to cross the perilous desertTo worship.They did not worship at the …

The Lion and the Lamb at Christmas

Friday 23rd December 2022 “The wolf shall live with the lamb,The leopard shall lie down with the kid,The calf and the lion and the fatling together,And a little child shall lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6) I look forward to the day the Conservative and the Progressive live together,When the Humanist, and the Christian and the Muslim …

You Are Welcome At The Manger

24th December 2021 I read an article last week, for advent, asking the question: “Does the bible really claim that Mary was a virgin?” and after reading the article I read the comments. Never. Read. The. Comments. It wasn’t long before cries of “heretic” and “false teacher were being slung across the data stream. The …

Rotten Fruit: Homophobia and Rape

Thursday 15th December 2022 I’ve already written extensively on the links between a non-LGBTQ+ understanding of our faith and a theology that at best minimises rape. LGBTQ+ people have become the Christian equivalent of Godwin’s law: Whilst secular abusers say “at least I’m not Hitler” Straight Christian wrongdoers will justify their abusive behaviour with “at …