Showing 45 Result(s)

Little Boxes

Monday 5th February, 2024 I stashed myself in a box for safekeeping.University is scary, leaving home at 18, meeting strange new people from different walks of life who want to know who you are.And what if they don’t like what they find?It’s a vulnerable place to be, deciding what you show people of yourself, especially …


Monday 1st January, 2024 Happy New Year! No matter how much we try to avoid it, life is messy.Messy and… well….mingin’!Humanity isn’t clean and neat and tidy, we burp, and fart, and poop and bleed. In fact most of our bodily functions are sticky and gooey and often a bit stinky too. We’re gross! And …

Christmas News for Women

Thursday 14th December 2023 A comment made on a post on my facebook page recently suggested that religion is bad news for women.And it may shock some of you to know that I largely agree.Religion is so often used to put down, subjugate and control women. That’s what religion has always done, control people.“Why are …

Rollerskating, Lego and finding yourself through play.

Those of us of a certain age, before the days of games consoles, traffic and modern parental worry, will remember long hot summers where we were booted out the front door after breakfast and didn’t return home until the street lights came on. Those glorious days of childhood, full of knock-a-door run and making prank …

The truth doesn’t hurt.

“Truth hurts” a phrase often used to justify unkind words and a lack of care around other people’s feelings. Those of us of a religious bent may even try to spiritualise this notion of “only being honest” as “speaking the truth in love” But let’s face it, as our home secretary has shown us recently, …

Throwback Thursday: Free

22nd August, 2022 It’s not supposed to be difficult.Life, love, faith.None of it is supposed to be difficult.The songs tell us that “love hurts” , that it’s sometimes hard, that we must work at it.I disagree. In fact, it was the big lesson I learned in my first relationship after my abusive husband; that loving …

An Unfinished Symphony

Monday 14th August, 2023 The skyline of Barcelona is dominated by the 18 towers of Sagrada Familia, an exquisite Cathedral that has been a work in progress since 1882. When its architect, Gaudi died in 1926 the Cathedral was less than a quarter finished, Gaudi wasn’t worried, he’d designed it that way, as he famously …