Throwback Thursday: Resurrection.

4th April 2021

Light flooding a cold dark empty tomb.
Filling once cold walls with warmth, death blinking in confusion at the early morning light
And Beautiful
And women.
Women bathed in glory
The glory of resurrection, pouring from the tomb, spreading across their faces, glinting on their tears.
Blinking, in confusion and wonder, in the light of glory.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
A dawning. A dawning on men in despair, lost, blinking.
Blinking at hope.
And glory
And resurrection
The beginning of a new age
A new kingdom.
The future.
A prisoner, captive, scared but not giving up hope
Because he knows of resurrection.
Blinking in the light of freedom.
A heart. A heart broken, trampled, forgotten.
A soul, world weary, battered, shrinking
A woman. Tired, ashamed, lonely.
Resurrected. Saved. Blinking
Eyes adjusting to the light
Skin tingling in the warmth,
Soul jumping, heart healing, growing repairing.