Showing 28 Result(s)

A biblical sexual ethic

Sunday 3rd March, 2024 Jesus gave us a foolproof, timeless way to discern right from wrong. Instead of simply following a list of rules with no room for hard cases or shades of grey, that could never be completely fully comprehensive for all people at all times, Jesus taught us to be able to work …

Return to Eden

Monday 5th June, 2023 “so God created humankind in his own image. In his image he created them. Male and female he created them” Genesis 1:27 So important is the message that we are made in God’s image that it’s repeated twice and then emphasised that it means all of us (male and female)God is …

Love never ends.

Tuesday 30th May, 2023 I’m not scientist, but one of the few things I remember from high school physics is the law of the conservation of energy. Science tells us that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transferred or converted from one form of energy to another. In this blog post I suggested …

Love endures all things

Friday 26th May, 2023 The last few descriptions of love all go together really, love bears, believes, hopes and endures. We are presented with a picture of love not as one that puts up with abuse, as many of us may have been taught to believe, but as one wholly committed to ‘pulling together’ in …