Showing 83 Result(s)

Day 4, Anonymous, 58

Tuesday 28th November, 2023 Anonymous told me: “There is an area of domestic abuse that doesn’t get nearly enough attention – sibling abuse, either sexual abuse, violence or verbal abuse. Every day of my life until my brother left home when I was 14, I was verbally abused by my brother. Until I was 12, …

In praise of Non-Toxic Masculinity

Sunday 19th November 2023 Today is international men’s day so I thought it was a good opportunity to celebrate non-toxic masculinity and what makes those men so bloody great. There are loads of wonderful men in my life; my sons, my marvellous boyfriend, my nephew, brother-in-law, my dad and a handful of really great friends. …

Change the World

Monday 3rd July, 2023 I love the story of the Starfish, you might have heard it:Early one morning an old man was walking along a beach when he saw thousands of starfish lying on the sand, and a boy, picking them up, one by one and throwing them into the ocean.“What are you doing?” asked …